Despite the large quaratine, only six cadets have contracted swine flu so far. Photo by Nathan Greenhalgh.
VILNIUS — An outbreak of swine flu at the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania Tuesday has over 70 cadets quarantined with six confirmed cases.
According to the Ministry of Health, each of the six cases have a light version of the potentially fatal disease, and only one currently has a fever. None of the other quarantined cadets at the all-male military school are showing swine flu symptoms.
“Only for epidemiological reasons are these men isolated from contact,” Giedrė Maksimaitytė, head of the Ministry of Health public relations department, told Baltic Reports.
Maksimaitytė said the men have all the medication they need to combat the swine influenza virus.
There have been 68 cases of swine flu in Lithuania since June but no deaths. In each case the patient either contracted the virus outside of Lithuania or from somebody that had done so. The government has stockpiled 18,000 anti-viral doses of medicine.