The Green Bridge statues are among the last of Vilnius' nearly vanished Soviet-era public art. Photo by Nathan Greenhalgh
VILNIUS — Moscow’s city government has offered to help cover the renovation costs of one of the few Soviet-era monuments still standing in Vilnius, the sculptures on the Green Bridge.
Twenty years ago, Vilnius was a much different looking city. A stone Vladimir Lenin towered over Lukiškės Square, and the statues of other Soviet leaders dotted the city’s parks and plazas. Now all are gone and many shipped off to the Grūtas Park historical theme park and the Green Bridge statues are among the last public places one can see a sickle and hammer insignia in Vilnius.
“To our knowledge, the Moscow mayor’s office is ready to assist the municipality of Vilnius. This possibility is currently under consideration,” the Russian embassy in Lithuania told the press Friday.
The Vilnius municipal government said it had not been actively seeking foreign aid for the renovation of the statues, constructed in 1952 by the communist regime.
“In addition to the Green Bridge sculptures in the city, there are other monuments and spaces that need to be updated … but for this one, like others, we’re not asking for foreign aid,” Mayor Vilius Navickas said in a press release.
However, that doesn’t mean the cash-strapped municipality, which is considering selling its newly-constructed steel-and-glass high-rise headquarters for extra funds, will turn down the offer.
The decision has not been made yet, it’s a bit too early to comment on this,” Žilvinas Abaravičius, head of the municipality’s international relations department, told Baltic Reports. “It’s just an idea, the city didn’t say yes or no at the moment.”
Abaravičius said Moscow and Vilnius had not discussed a specific amount of money yet.
“I don’t think there was a discussion about an exact sum,” Abaravičius said.
The repair is estimated to cost 60,000 litai (€17,000).
Not ALL the sculptures went to Grutas. A lot were destroyed or went to places other than Grutas.
And the sculptures on the Green Bridge should be destroyed, too.
Contrary to Jolanta, I don’t think the statues on the Green Bridge should be either destroyed or removed. I used to hate them and a few years back I would have agreed with those willing to see those statues go but… it’s been a while now and it’s about time to forget and move on. Those statues should stay as a little reminder of that part of our history even if it wasn’t so good. There is nothing wrong with that. And if Russia is offering to restore them, then why not. We (Lithuanians) won’t take any obligations for that though. It’s Russia’s will to give cash for but it won’t get anything in return. No need to feel bad about that either.
Maybe someone could make a statue of Hitler as well and put up in Vilnius, just to remind of history of course. I have no symphaties to him or Stalin´s people but if there need to be some horror reminders…:)
Take the money from Moscow and use it to get rid of the statues.
I think it would be more suiting to have statues of some of the men interred at Tuskelenu. There are others that would be suited that would fit there, also. Just not the same guys as on the money, or that already have streets named after them.
I’m glad that Moscow can commiserate with Lithuania, though…. considering that we (Lithuanians) won’t be demanding our reparations until around the time the next nuclear plant is almost online. Then we can give them ten years of bellicose demands for reparations at once, and mean something, as opposed to endless whining with no acknowledgment.
For 17000 euro, the statues could easily be removed and shipped to Moscow where they can be joined with Moscows many other reminders of failed empire.
leave this sculpture where they are.
I’ll come and pick them up for 10.000