Police say Kedys has likely grown out his hair and sporting facial hair to help disguise his identity. Photo used courtesy of the Kaunas Police Department.
KAUNAS, Lithuania — Kaunas regional chief prosecutor Kęstutis Betingis told journalists at a press conference Friday that police believe fugitive Drąsius Kedys is alive and in contact with members of his family.
“Today I will officially state that there are no assumptions that Kedys is dead,” Betingis told the press.
Kedys, 37 years old of Kaunas, is implicated by police in the murder of District Court Judge Jonas Furmanavičius and Violeta Naruševičienė, the sister of his former live-in girlfriend in October. An Interpol warrant has been issued for Kedys’ arrest.
Betingis also said that Kedys likely had one or more accomplices, corroborated by witnesses’ statements of Furmanavičius’ killing.
“We hope that sooner or later the suspects will be detained,” Betingis said.
Possible motives could be the belief that his four-year-old daughter was sexually abused by Furmanavičius, Andrius Ūsas and another man, or frustration with a bitter three-year-long custody battle with Kedys’ ex-girlfriend Laima Stankūnaitė, the mother of Kedys’ daughter.
Ūsas was formally charged with molesting Kedys’ daughter on Tuesday.
The Kedys case has received widespread public attention with hundreds of Lithuanians protesting in support of Kedys’ alleged murders as necessary to protect his daughter, a notion that showcases their cynicism and righteous indignation with the state of the country’s criminal defense system.
I think it’s more important to see what happens with Usas in trial before anyone can say what can or should be done to Kedys.
I think Nathan Greenhalgh, should look closer to this case and write something more about mother of child. She became pregnant and had a baby when she was bearly 17. After couple of years abuse of Kedys family she decided to leave family home and sice then she had to fight for to see her doughter at least couple days a week. She was alone and stood up in battle with strong and wellthy family – Kedys sister is judge, sisters husband – lawyer, and ofcourse they all are rich.
My opinion is: there is NO phidofiles involved, that’s just high as haven Kedys ego – he couldn’t accept Laima to have anything from him, even thems doughter…
I agree with Jane 100%
you two should be investigated for child abuse.. you let your child get abused, by a judge who is going to bankrupt you and put you in jail. you deuches
well,first of all I (as a mother) know where r my children, what they do, whu they r with, r they happy and etc. so it would be very hard to blame me for such a thing. Still my opinion remains same, world has to know other side of this story and to make thems own opinion about all this. Everyone can wach those films from Kedys, what he made with his doughter, and I’m realy sorry, but it just shows what sick people can do to get what they want.
It is very sad that one side of the story is presented here. Kedys went to every institution for over a year to solve this problem, legally. Nobody reacted, because high officials were involved. Finally, the shooting happens. It wasn’t Kedys who shot those people. His gun was found at the scene, but bullets were a gun that only special officials in Lithuania can have.
“Mother” of the girl keeps lying up to this day. She accused Kedys sister for showing the little girl pictures of Usas and claims that the girl never even seen Usas. Turns out, Usas is the raped little girl’s god-father.
And, these are just tiny bites from the facts. If you knew all the facts, you’d be as shocked as 99% of Lithuanians are.