The entire variety of traditional circus entertainments are performed in Riga, the only Baltic state with a permanent circus. Photo by Delmi Álvarez/Baltic Reports
RIGA — The only remaining year-round circus in the Baltic states is in Riga and it continues much as it did 100 years ago.
The indoor circus’ primary season is in the winter, although it does some shows during the summer. Offering shows with animals, illusionists, acrobats, dancers and of course clowns, the Riga Cirks (Riga Circus) preserves the tradition of a wide variety of entertainments.
“Riga Cirks” is a documentary photoessay by Baltic Reports photo editor Delmi Álvarez, which started in the spring of 2003. During the summer the Riga Cirks tours around Latvia under the moniker “Circus Alle” that travel. In the air is the idea to publish a book with the support and cooperation of the circus director. Álvarez wants to make a tribute with this project to the hundreds of artists that work in the wonderful circus around the world.
“When I was child the circus in city was the only one diversion for children and adults. Artists are surviving in a world of TV and technologies, but who goes to see the circus is because already have a child inside,” Álvarez said.
Here Álvarez goes behind the scenes to see what makes these entertainers tick.
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© 2010 Delmi Alvarez/Baltic Reports