Man charged with murder in U.K.

WISBECH, England — Wisbech police are asking the local Lithuanian community for clues to help their investigation after Arlandas Ubartas was charged with murdering fellow Lithuanian Jolanta Dumčiuvienė.

The murder is yet another incident in a sequence of Lithuanian-on-Lithuanian crime in the U.K.

Though police have charged Ubartas with the murder of his countrywoman, they have not completed their investigation and are printing posters in Lithuanian language to try to get people in the minority community to come forth and help, the Fenland Citizen reported.

In Cambridge Crown Court Ubartas, 44, heard his case via a translator, but only spoke to confirm his name and the credentials of his alleged victim, whom he had lived with until her demise. He made no plea.

Police guess that Dumčiuvienė, 38, was murdered sometime between May 4 and 7. Her body was discovered on May 7, but her possessions are missing, police said. They believe that the missing objects may hold key clues that would explain her death.

The city, 160 km north of London, now has posters up in Lithuanian to encourage people to come forward and help.

“The leaflets and posters have two purposes — it is important that we can tell other Lithuanian people about Jolanta’s murder so these leaflets act as a news service,” local police said.

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