Kubilius unsure about cabinet change

Lithuanian Prime Minister did not reveal whether the Council of Ministers is set for a change or not. Photo by Nathan Greenhalgh

Kubilius did not reveal whether the Council of Ministers is set for a change or not. Photo by Nathan Greenhalgh

VILNIUS — Looks like the vacation wasn’t long enough to make up his mind.

After returning to work on Monday, Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius said he is still unsure whether to rearrange his cabinet or not.

“So far I really do not have any final decisions,” Kubilius told the press Monday. “There are no eternal ministers, nor eternal premiers.”

Kubilius said he had spoken with President Dalia Grybauskaitė and heard her objections to the current Council of Ministers. However, Linas Balsys, a spokesman for the president, denied that Grybauskaitė was trying to influence Kubilius’ choices.

“She is ready to work with whatever coalition emerges,” Balsys told Baltic Reports. “It’s not like the president is imposing her will upon any other. When she was approving the whole ministry, that was the time, when she was examining the time of each minister. Now is not the case. She is aware of what is going on, but she is not the initiator of the change. Her primary goal is the stability and effective work of the government.”

After taking office in July, Grybauskaitė approved of all the sitting ministers except one.

The Lithuanian media is rife with speculation that Kubilius will shake up his cabinet after members of the newly-formed United Lithuania Party claimed that they voted for the controversial budget last year only because the prime minister promised to place them in ministerial positions in return. However, Kubilius’ office has repeatedly denied this.

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